Living in a Parallel Universe

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Living in a Parallel Universe

By now most people around the world have been personally affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. A majority of those people have also been offered vaccines. A proportion of those found that if they did not accept vaccination voluntarily they would be coerced by mandates. And a minority of people who have been vaccinated, whether voluntarily or to comply with a mandate, have suffered terribly. Some have died. But who would know? Only those of us who are aware, who have the insight to perceive the truth, or some first hand experience. We are living in a parallel reality.

April 2022

What is Reality?

Philosophers have debated existence and reality for centuries. Deep questions like 'what is life about?' or wonderful statements like 'I think, therefore I am'. But if we put aside all the deep and meaningful stuff here is a fundamental truth - you and I both exist and our experience of life guides our perception of reality. The issue becomes a question of whether your perception and mine are the same. Although millions of people around the world have experienced the Covid-19 pandemic there are at least two different perceptions of reality. People who believe one are travelling in a different universe from those who are travelling in another. A parallel reality.

For example, in December 2021 I was out with some friends and over our coffee the conversation drifted to an employment shortage in the Australian mining sector. Hundreds of workers left their jobs rather than submit to a vaccine mandate. Just like in so many other employment sectors. One fellow said he didn't understand why anyone would lose their job over a needle and I replied 'perhaps they were afraid of mRNA'. The response I got was astounding because he then asked 'what's mRNA?'. Two years into the pandemic, one year into the vaccination saga, months into the debate over mandates and this mature and educated person did not know what mRNA means in the context of vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna. How could he know anything about adverse reactions; how could he understand the protests; what was his source of information if he had no knowledge of these things? Simple - mainstream media and his doctor. He was told to get the Astrazeneca vaccine, had no issues with it, believed therefore that the other vaccines were much the same, assumed that vaccines were safe and effective, followed the medical and media advice, and I realized he like so many others is living in a parallel reality.

Parallel lines never meet. Parallel realities never mix. They exist side by side. People together at the same table drinking coffee served by the same waitress but living with a different experience, a different awareness, a different reality. And the other realities are incomprehensible to them.

Hidden Issues

The most significant issue hidden from most people is the fact that the vaccines for Covid-19 are neither safe nor effective. Adverse reactions are not publicised in any way. Mainstream media have not investigated any of the stories of personal tragedy. Fact checkers have explained away any evidence claiming that a story is simply misinformation. Health Regulators have claimed that there is no causal link. Social media platforms have censored content and de-platformed truth seekers. So the only message that gets out to most people is the mantra that the vaccines are safe and effective. And, of course, to maintain that effectiveness you need to get the boosters.

Another issue is how the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus actually affects an infected person. What are the mechanisms? Why are some people more susceptible and others less? We've had two years for information to be collated and published by national health departments but most of their information is old, minimal, or focussed on vaccines. The nature of the disease is being hidden from us.

Similarly, how the vaccines work is hidden. Yes, we are told about the spike proteins and how the mRNA operates in those products, but details like how the body actually reacts to the spike proteins and an explanation of the adverse reactions is with-held from us. How often have you heard of someone admitted to hospital, released and readmitted like through a revolving door only to be told that the doctors can't find anything and don't know what's wrong? Wouldn't the patterns be studied and the treatments be shared and the answers be available by now? No, because the vaccines are safe and effective therefore whatever has coincidentally affected a patient cannot have been caused by the vaccine. Even the doctors live in a parallel reality. It must be difficult seeing so many people with problems and being unable to comprehend that there is a causal link to a vaccination event.

Thankfully there are many doctors and scientists who are awake and vocal about these issues. But their voices are not heard through mainstream media.

A Psy-Op

The past two years have been an assault on our minds through what can only be described as a psychological operation or psy-op. Brainwashing. Shock. Confronting visual images and video. Misinformation from the highest levels of government. Censorship on a scale never previously attempted on a global scale. Infodemiology. Manipulation. Coercion. Fear. Stress. It's no wonder some people committed suicide. It's no wonder people went crazy and mental health issues soared.

Although many people would agree that the pandemic has involved many of these emotions, few have made the mental leap that it could all have been deliberate. An experiment. Do you like being experimented on? No, neither do I. That's why I resisted vaccination and never got an mRNA jab. But it was harder to identify the psy-op and harder still to resist it.

It remains difficult. What I see now as the pandemic winds down is that governments will reduce and remove their mandates and the messaging will change so that we are led to believe that lockdowns were effective and the vaccines kept us all safe and that the consequences would have been worse without these and other measures and we all did very well and thanks to a compliant public we are now much stronger as a community and the future is looking bright for us all.

What a load of...

If we believe all that and gladly resume a post-covid life as though normality has returned then nothing will have changed and no lessons will have been learned.

Instead we must ensure that it never happens again - the violation of human rights, the mandatory vaccinations, the fear campaigns and coercion and deliberate misinformation in the form of official health messaging which with-holds necessary truths - laws and social structures need to be changed so that these cannot happen again.

Unfortunately, an outcome of this psy-op is that I have lost faith in so many people, instituitions and other entities that I am sceptical of any success in preventing a recurrence of what we have been living through. And those of us who may see the necessity for change are a minority. The rest will continue to live in their own parallel reality.