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On Sunday 16 January 2022 Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia.

Djokovic arrived in Melbourne, Australia, prior to midnight on January 5 but was detained by officials of the Australian Border Force who cancelled his visa and placed Djokovic in an immigration detention hotel. Djokovic was released on January 10 after a legal appeal was successful, but when the Australian Minister for Immigration, Alex Hawke, cancelled Djokovic' visa on Friday afternoon January 14, Djokovic was again placed in detention. Djokovic' lawyers appealed the Minister's decision in the Federal Court, but the full bench with three Federal Court Judges upheld the Minister's decision to cancel Djokovic' visa. Consequently, the World Number One tennis champion was forced to leave Australia on the evening prior to the commencement of the Australian Open.

The focus of this article is not Novak Djokovic, or his vaccination status, or his personal view on anything really.

This article is about a new State Religion which may be called covidism - a set of beliefs which the Australian Federal Government has covertly adopted and enforced Nationally, requiring conformity from each State and Territory. These beliefs have been promoted through propaganda, fear and coercion; and vigorously defended though all levels of Courts and Tribunals.

A small minority of Australians are disgusted by the way Novak was treated, are embarrassed by the whole saga, and shocked by the Court decision. If we could apologise we would, but those who should be apologetic - the Minister for Immigration, Alex Hawke and the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison - are proud of their actions and pleased with the outcome. Like most religious orders these priests feel self justified when someone they may disagree with is removed and outcast. They are, after all, 'protecting us'.

What is Covidism?

Firstly, I didn't invent this word, and although it has widespread use the term is not yet precisely defined. An Internet search will produce various contexts in which the word covidism has been used.

If there is an etymology for the word covidism it would have to start with the disease COVID-19 which, by definition, is caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. As this disease spread from China to other countries, thus characterised as a pandemic, most well organised countries with pandemic response plans (often developed for an influenza pandemic) abandoned those plans and instead of quarantining the sick chose to lockdown the healthy. This was accompanied by a media-driven fear campaign using explicit video images and questionable statistics. The first phase of the disease was dangerous, deadly and hospital systems struggled to cope, but these facts were communicated in ways which promoted fear and facilitated compliance with draconian measures not expected in modern democratic and free societies. Vaccines developed during 2020 were rolled out during 2021, initially to those most vulnerable to serious disease, then freely to all adults; then mandated for health care workers, then mandated for other sectors of the workforce, then available to teenagers and later to children aged 5 and up; and gradually rules applied to everyone so that vaccines which were once offered and recommended became increasingly difficult to refuse. No jab, no job. Or no jab, no access to public services like transport or libraries, or no access to venues like pubs and cafes. All through this period a mantra was repeated - vaccines are safe and effective - and this is the first tenet and foundational belief of the new State religion of covidism. The second tenet is this: the benefits outweigh the risks.

Unfortunately, the vaccines for Covid-19 are not completely safe but no-one is allowed to draw attention to that. Some adverse events are 'recognised' and may be 'expected' from each vaccine but any other adverse reaction experienced by the vaccine recipient is treated as an effect of a prior condition not previously diagnosed, or an illness which occurs within any population and which is coincidental and there is no causal link to the vaccination event. Doctors and other health professionals who raise their concerns or speak of their observations are de-registered and the threat of de-registration effectively discourages others from being a whistleblower. All medical professionals must promote the belief that vaccines are safe and effective and the benefits outweigh the risks. In Australia this is 'official health messaging' and conformity of belief and action is required.

The Mantras of Covidism

Vaccines are safe and effective

The benefits outweigh the risks

We're all in this together

One may also have noticed that despite getting vaccinated against Covid-19 many people developed serious illness after being infected. This was explained as 'breakthrough infection'. As the virus mutated through different strains the world was confronted with 'the more deadly Delta' strain which was 'highly transmissible' and the vaccines had less effect so 'booster shots' were implemented. In late 2021 the Omicron strain was identified and in 2022 became the dominant strain leading to rapidly rising infection rates. Thankfully it seems to be less harmful. However, both unvaccinated and fully vaccinated people are getting sick so are the vaccines effective? If the vaccines were effective would people need boosters at ever-shortened intervals? Despite any evidence to the contrary, all medical professionals, the government medical officers, politicians and any other government spokesperson continue to promote the belief that vaccines are safe and effective. As those statements and news items are spread by a willing media the population is led to believe that all Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and that vaccination is the only way out of the pandemic.

Covidism starts with the basic belief that vaccines are safe and effective, and since the products developed to combat Covid-19 are now defined as vaccines they must, by definition, also be safe and effective; any and all information contrary to this belief must be misinformation; all misinformation must be suppressed; any or all persons who adhere to or spread this misinformation must be de-platformed, de-registered or un-employed; and any individual who questions this basic belief or who does not get vaccinated because they do not agree with this belief is labelled 'anti-vax', is identified as a threat to other individuals and the medical system, will be dis-allowed from participation in normal society by being excluded from places and events, and may be forced to give up their education, job or career if vaccination is a requirement for attendance or entry to the premises. Protesters are similarly labelled anti-vaxxers, right-wing radicals or neo-nazis and in Australia have even been shot at by police using rubber bullets. Covidism is a mind-set which has narrowed to the extent that rational discussion is not possible, dissent is not tolerated, compliance is enforced, and anyone daring to confront the system will be dealt with extreme prejudice[1]. Covidism is a cult which initially gains acceptance through propaganda and people's free choice but eventually includes the resistant by coercion and force until only a small minority of unbelievers remain.

Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia because he is not vaccinated, a status which reflects his free choice but which may be interpreted to mean that he does not believe that vaccination against Covid-19 is necessary, or that the vaccines are not safe, or that the vaccines are not effective, or any combination of those options. He was here to play tennis, something he is very good at. He was not here to promote any anti-vax sentiment yet he was deemed to be a risk to the health and public order of what was once a free and democratic nation. He was deported because allowing him to stay would be contrary to official health messaging and covidism could not tolerate that. Government sponsored covidism does not tolerate intransigence.

How did Covidism start and spread?

Covidism is world-wide. Lockdowns, mandates, vaccine passports - it's all world-wide. Fines for being unvaccinated, in Greece or Austria, haven't been widely implemented yet but it seems that whenever one administration succeeds in a new form of repression the others follow. Will it stop? Probably not. Opportunists like members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) see the pandemic as an opportunity to radically change society through a Great Reset so even when the pandemic subsides the propaganda and controls will continue. The next topics will be climate change, sustainability, and population control. The methods will be the same but the doctrine will be different. Covidism is driven by the pharmaceutical companies and whilst they may see opportunities in population control there will be other drivers for change in response to a climate crisis, whether real or perceived. Those drivers are international organisations like the WHO and the WEF. The pandemic has enabled US Government organisations like the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) to influence public health policy world-wide, to control the 'narrative', and to suppress alternatives. So covidism is a 'top down' belief system. It did not start with the general public forming focus groups to influence government policy. It has been impressed on the population by governments. Those politicians and government agencies may well have been influenced by pharmaceutical companies, lobbyists, consultants and Foundations but the public was already prepared to accept the basic tenets and willingly got vaccinated and enthusiastically brought their children forward for vaccinations. Covidism started with groundwork, preparation and indoctrination.

In Australia we had a register for childhood immunisations. This was used to record vaccinations for measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and other childhood diseases. All of those vaccines are listed in a government publication The Australian Immunisation Handbook[2] and it is generally believed that those vaccines are safe and effective. However, some parents weren't convinced and since vaccinating children is voluntary those parents needed to be incentivised. This was achieved by Scott Morrison, who is now the Prime Minister, in a prior role of Minister for Social Services and he developed a 'no jab no pay' policy in 2016. This meant that unless eligible children were 'jabbed' with the vaccines in a government list the government would not pay child support payments or assist the family with a tax benefit. Some parents could afford to lose government assistance and still did not get their children vaccinated, so they were incentivised by another government scheme referred to as 'no jab no play'. To enrol children in childcare or early learning centres the parent had to provide proof of vaccination for the child. The government also disallowed application for exemptions based on conscientious objection or religious reasons. These measures enabled the Australian government to achieve high rates of childhood vaccination without making them mandatory.

The immunisation register was expanded to include adult vaccines for influenza and those required for travel and now the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is a 'whole of life' digital record of all vaccines administered nationally for all Australian citizens. The AIR was ready to accept the records for Covid-19 vaccines for all Australians and the data is linked to our digital health record and could be used for a vaccine passport system. The AIR is administered by the department responsible for social services like pensions and unemployment benefits. Those systems were implemented in steps and prepared the way for all Covid-19 vaccinations in Australia to be administered and recorded without a national mandatory vaccination policy. Soon Australia will have achieved at least 95% of all eligible persons aged 5 and upward being fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Australian State and Territory governments have created the mandates, restrictions and incentives to get the population vaccinated, using the processes or principles of the 'no jab no pay' or 'no jab no play' examples but expanded to an adult workforce as a 'no jab no job' choice. However, over 70,000 front-line medical and emergency service workers have decided to remain unvaccinated and had to leave their jobs, thousands of teachers will make that same decision before the start of the 2022 school year, and many other workers have also left their jobs too. There is currently a significant staff shortage in hospitals and aged care but the government does not accept responsibility for it. Covidism is like narcissism and does not acknowledge its' own errors.

It is preparation like this which facilitates the spread of covidism. Change is implemented in small steps. People do not react strongly to incremental change like they would if the end game was implemented suddenly. The systems required are developed so they can be expanded in a process called 'function creep', and data can be shared across systems. Eventually data is a key to controlling services and monitoring individual behaviour.

Another way in which covidism spreads is by example and peer competition. When a State Premier succeeds in implementing a restriction which has not been done before, their peers can review that example and emulate it in their own jurisdiction. That also happens internationally. The first organisation to require health workers to be vaccinated was probably the Methodist Hospital in Houston. That action was repeated in other countries and then extended to other workers. In a most recent example, the organisers of the Australian Open, Tennis Australia, attempted to be non-discriminatory and allow non-vaccinated players to participate. That was very sporting, but contrary to the official Australian government health messaging. As Djokovic was being deported our Australian media noted that he may still be able to play in the French Open as exemptions were apparently being accepted. But within days the French government closed that opening and all players will have to be vaccinated, along with the public and anyone else entering the stadium. Watch for all other sporting events to be closed to unvaccinated competitors. Covidism spreads easily.

How will Covidism end?

There are three credible scenarios. Obviously covidism as a belief system is only relevant within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic so when the pandemic is over covidism will die with it. There will be a new post-covid normal and the saga of the previous few years will become history. Like my grand-parents used to talk about 'in the Depression' of the 1930's, we will have stories to tell about 'during Covid'.

An alternative future would be if people started to realise that we have been lied to, manipulated, controlled, and brain-washed; the vaccines were not safe and not effective; and other treatments which were safe and effective were actively suppressed. This has been called a 'Great Awakening' and would be the best way forward for everyone. Acceptance would change into rejection. Submission would change into protest and revolt. Governments can be changed, laws can be repealed or changed, and people's freedoms can be restored. Government leaders and their medical advisers could be held accountable. Some optimists are working toward a 'Nuremburg 2' and hoping these people will be found guilty of crimes against humanity.

Unfortunately, a more likely outcome is that covidism will morph into something else, the vaccine-related mantras will be replaced by irrefutable beliefs about sustainability, renewable energy and population control in the context of a response to climate change. The style of government will persist, dissent and protest will be suppressed, and we will be told to 'follow the science' just like religious beliefs.

That style of government could be called Fascist. Countries all around the world, particularly the free democratic nations are currently headed towards Fascism. There will be no revolution; it will be achieved in small steps and we are already part way there...

18 January 2022


After writing this article I wondered if I was just repeating or building on other people's ideas or did I conclude, through independent thought, that our government is behaving like a religious cult? Have I absorbed so much alternate information that I have become brainwashed by conspiracy theorists and now lack the critical judgement or thinking skills which I thought I had?

On reflection I believe that something is seriously wrong. The word covidism is not my own, as I said, and neither is the Great Reset which is the title of a book by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. The term Great Awakening is also used by various authors, either in their book titles or content, and we certainly need some form of awakening but how will that be possible if our media does not expose the lies or people generally just close off to anything that is too difficult to accept. The psychologists call it cognitive dissonance - the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. It is easier and less stressful to just dismiss the new information.

Last night (18 January 2022) on our TV news there was a snippet about how bad things are in India, with some video footage, which illustrated just how serious the current Omicron outbreak is, and of course how important it is to get vaccinated and get the booster dose. But later in the evening I was scrolling through the headlines in my news aggregator and noticed this one: India’s main cities record sharp fall in Covid-19 infections[3] and read that "India’s capital Delhi and financial hub Mumbai have reported a big fall in Covid-19 infections in the past two days and most of those who contracted the virus have recovered at home, authorities said on Monday." And "Both cities have said more than 80 per cent of their Covid-19 hospital beds have remained unoccupied since the fast-transmitting Omicron variant led to a massive surge in cases from the start of the year." Our Australian news may have referred to some regional area of India, but it is misleading to filter news in order to influence public opinion and behaviour. Particularly when the desired outcome happens to be consistent with the official government health messaging to get vaccinated. Is there a need to if people can recover at home? Several of my relatives have now had Omicron - confirmed by rapid antigen tests - and did quite well at home with panadol and the same kind of care we would need for a bad cold or a mild 'flu. But today one of the State Health Ministers was reading through the latest covid update, how many new infections, how many deaths, how many of those who were fully vaccinated, etc and after informing us that the majority of those who died in the past 24 hours were double vaccinated encouraged listeners to get their booster. Isn't there something a bit incongruous about that?

Yesterday I heard a new term for the first time - vaccine remorse. Apparently some people are wishing they'd never had it. Maybe they have experienced some form of adverse reaction. Maybe they didn't get the care they needed from hospital emergency departments. Maybe they realise that after getting the first two doses as originally recommended to be safe they are now on a never ending treadmill of a booster and then another one and then one more until the government says you can stop. It's a tough way to wake up that you've been lied to. Apparently some psychologists are now supporting people who are going through that cognitive dissonance phase where they are trying to make sense of what is happening and struggle to cope with the disillusionment when they realise that the government cannot be trusted, that their understanding of the world is shattering and we are living in some kind of a parallel universe.

I have been a practising Christian for decades. During that time I have experienced churches become cult-like. I learned through Church History how there was a separation of Church and State, at least in the Western world. But that countries like Iran have a theocracy and a goal of ISIS would have been to establish an Islamic Caliphate - a similar world-view is held by the Taliban in Afghanistan. So I know something about religion and religious beliefs, and church history - like the period of the Inquisition. Galileo, for example, was correct when he proposed that based on evidence the earth rotated about the sun. But he was charged with heresy by the Church. In Australia our medical practitioners (doctors, surgeons, anaesthetists etc.) are registered through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). If any of those qualified health professionals publicly questions our official health messaging (vaccines are safe and effective), or prescribes Ivermectin or recommends any other non-approved protocol for treating Covid-19, or issues an exemption from vaccination which does not meet the exact criteria set by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI), or if AHPRA receives any information that the professional may have done any of these things they are basically required to recant or are summarily deregistered. AHPRA will not listen to any facts or evidence which may have informed the health professional's beliefs. The exercise of power and authority is similar to the religious leaders during the Inquisition. There are now quite a few de-registered health professionals in Australia. Ask why so many health professionals and emergency workers have left their jobs rather than be vaccinated (specifically avoiding the mRNA vaccines). So listen when a friend tells you about themselves or someone they know who experienced an adverse reaction or died after getting vaccinated. Verify whatever you can. If you have young children do some research, and pay attention to who is missing from school or their circle of friends and ask why. And notice the way your Local, State or National government is responding to the pandemic. Is it fair, balanced, and proportional? What scientific evidence has informed their decisions?

What of the assertion that we are heading towards fascism? I didn't arrive at that conclusion independently but when I absorbed that suggestion made by others it resonated with what I know but found difficult to admit. I think it was about 40 years ago when I read a biography of Adolf Hitler, followed by accounts of the holocaust and concentration camps, and even Mein Kampf. A long time ago. But the pandemic reminded me of the Spanish Flu which my grandparents must have survived, yet they never mentioned it. So I started reading books which covered the period 1918 to 1945 in particular. The influenza pandemic and its' origins; hyper-inflation in Germany; the economic Depression of the thirties; the rise of National Socialism in Germany, Fascism in Italy and Japanese aggression in Asia; the control of media and information by Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda for the German Third Reich; the incremental social changes that occurred between 1933 and 1939 which normalised persecution of Jewish and other people leading to the holocaust; the experimental data collected by Josef Mengele in Germany, and 'research' conducted by Unit 731 in the Japanese occupied territory of Manchukuo.

Years ago I worked with an older man who was a child in Germany when Hitler came to power and he told me they thought it was wonderful. Food on the table, new clothes, school uniform and shoes, jobs - it sounded idyllic. But he was ashamed of what it became and emigrated to Australia after the war. And I met a Polish lady who showed me the tattoo on her arm from when she was in a concentration camp. There are few people left as a living memory of that period so for the current generation it is just history. But if you do not know your history you cannot know if it is being repeated. Look for the similarities with that period. Identify propaganda. Fascism in the coming decade or two won't look like nazi Germany. There won't be stirring music, long hypnotic speeches, or rampant nationalism. Fascism and Nazism have been re-invented. New terms like stakeholder capitalism have been developed by Klaus Schwab and the WEF. Their influence is pervasive, subtle and dangerous. We the people have no say in it because, like covidism, the new ideas are implemented top-down without consultation or debate. Don't forget that Hitler was elected to a democratic parliament in a country with a very progressive constitution. By using the economic crisis as justification for emergency powers Hitler easily gained control and the rest, as they say, is history.

And finally, my reference to climate change. Actually I have writing been indoors for the past couple of days because in Western Australia we have been experiencing some more hot weather. It's over 40o Celsius outside and will be the same all week. Further north it was over 50o C recently. But on the news I notice deep snow in parts of the US. A short while back the daytime temperature here was over 45o while a relative in northern Europe said it was -27o C outside. That's a big difference! Weather is not the same as climate, although extreme weather conditions are cited as evidence of climate change. Do you know about Agenda 21? Nothing much happened so look to Agenda 2030 instead. And the various Accords related to action on climate change. And then wonder - if we do not do anything to slow the rate of climate change voluntarily (like getting vaccinated voluntarily), will we eventually be forced to take action (like government vaccine mandates) regardless of whether or not the proposed strategies are rational, achievable and based on sound science and consensus? Will pandemic propaganda be replaced by climate change propaganda and fear of a catastrophe which can only be averted by authoritarian governments requiring compliance with whatever edicts some global authority and scientific high priests devise?

20 January 2022

Notes and References

  1. Novak Djokovic did the 'unthinkable'. Through his lawyers he challenged the system. Believe me, no-one has ever challenged the Australian Border Force (ABF) and had a court hearing the next day. No-one has ever, to my knowledge, ever got a decision out of the Department of Immigration within four days. And no-one else would have dared to challenge that, and if they did they certainly would not have had the matter dealt with over a weekend. The timeframe was compressed, of course, because the Australian Open would commence on Monday 17 January. But several other people who had come in to Australia with the same kind of exemption as Djokovic were either deported (Czech tennis player Renata Voracova) or left quickly before they were apprehended by the ABF. Djokovic had reasonable cause to call the ABF and Immigration accountable for their actions and to justify their decisions. But the ABF can easily bully asylum seekers, refugees, backpackers and other people who do not have the same profile or resources as Djokovic. In matters relating to vaccination, mandates etc., every Court and every Tribunal has upheld the State, no matter how well presented the case, no matter how much evidence has been presented, no matter who has provided expert opinion - in 2021 the State always won. I was hoping that the Federal Court judges would uphold the rational fact that an unvaccinated person is not a risk to public health and order, and that would break the spell cast over our society. That it didn't happen is evidence that covidism requires that the State or National Government position must always be upheld and strengthened. An alternate perpective or narrative is inadmissible.
    See also: ABC News (Australia) Czech tennis player Renata Voráčová deported from Australia after visa cancellation 8 January 2022
  2. Australian Immunisation Handbook (Department of Health, Australian Government)
    The Australian Immunisation Handbook (AIH) is now online only at
    Although Covid-19 has been with us for two years and vaccines against the disease for over one year now, the AIH (as at January 2022) does not mention SARS-CoV-2, does not describe Covid-19, does not list any of these vaccines, and significantly does not list Covid-19 as a vaccine-preventable disease. If you think about that, considering the extent to which these vaccines have been rolled out - over 90% of the population vaccinated - wouldn't you expect that the official government handbook would include relevant information? Particularly if the vaccines are as safe and effective as they say? This is probably because the current vaccines are only Provisionally Approved for use in Australia. We are currently in Phase III trials and the safety data is still being collated. In the meantime we the people are expected to place our hope in the vaccines and our trust in the high priests of covidism.
  3. Malay Mail (online) India’s main cities record sharp fall in Covid-19 infections Monday, 17 Jan 2022
    This article also states that "Experts have attributed the low hospitalisations to high levels of previous infections and vaccination. India has fully vaccinated about 70 per cent of its 939 million adults and hopes to give the primary two doses to another 70 million or so teenagers by next month."