My Essays

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My Essays

Some people have a Blog. I tried that but it's not my style. Instead I write articles occasionally and this page acts as an Index.

The essays are arranged in chronological sequence, most recent at the top of the list. Each reflects what I was thinking at the time, maybe in response to a world event or some local news, or a book I read. Or some other trigger.

January 2023

Mainstream: Beliefs, Science, Values etc
January 2023
After writing an article about Creation I started to reflect on the mainstream narrative during the Pandemic, specifically the mantra: follow the science. Since a lot of the science was fraudulent and since reputable experts were unable to present evidence-based science because of censorship and suppression, I started to wonder if current mainstream 'science' can be trusted.

Creation: the Light and the Firmament
January 2023
This article has been 40 years in my head and written down for the first time now.

Living in a Parallel Universe
April 2022
This isn't about cosmology. It is about people who continue to believe mainstream media regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccine safety and effectiveness, and who are unaware of the psy-op that has been global. It is as though the majority and the rest of us are living in parallel universes.

Apocalypse Now?
September 2021
Instead of being sudden and dramatic, could an apocalypse be incremental? Could it develop slowly with stealth until it was too big to stop?